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8 foods to fight bad breath

8 foods to fight bad breath

Bad breath or halitosis can be embarrassing, especially before an interview, date, or meeting. This is generally a result of bacterial growth in the mouth. Good dental hygiene can help people prevent bad breath, but the food one eats also plays a significant role. While foods like onion and garlic can worsen bad breath, several others can help fight halitosis. Here are six foods to help banish bad breath and have a healthy smile:

Raw fruits and vegetables
Raw fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber, which can help keep the mouth clean. Pick crunchy vegetables and fruits such as celery, apple, carrots, kale, etc., as these are slightly abrasive and help clean one’s mouth. They also increase saliva production, which helps fight bad bacteria in the mouth and accelerate digestion to help against halitosis.

Melons and other citrus-rich fruits such as oranges and berries can also help improve gum health and fight infections such as gingivitis, which may cause bad breath.

According to studies by the American Association of Dental Research, consuming probiotic yogurt can help reduce hydrogen sulfide, which is notorious for causing bad breath. Additionally, yogurt aids digestion and is also a rich source of vitamin D, which can reduce the occurrence of bacteria in the body.

Herbs and spices
Before the invention of modern-day toothpaste and toothbrushes, people used to rely on chewing spices and herbs to make their breath smell fresh. Herbs like parsley, spearmint, and rosemary can help reduce bad breath. One can also boil them to make an herbal tea to make them more palatable instead of chewing on them raw.

Green and black tea is a rich source of polyphenols that kill bacteria and reduce the prevalence of sulfur compounds to fight bad breath. However, it must be consumed in limited quantities, as too much tea can make the mouth drier, contributing to halitosis. Consuming one cup of tea between meals is ideal for fighting bad breath.

Sugarless gum
Sugarless chewing gum, especially in flavors such as mint or peppermint, is a classic tool to make one’s breath smell fresh. It helps by removing any food stuck in the mouth, thus removing the source of the odor. Sugarless gum is also made using xylitol, a type of artificial sweetener, so it doesn’t damage the teeth like regular chewing gum.

Cherries can help reduce the occurrence of the gas methyl mercaptan, which occurs naturally in onions and some types of cheese and has been associated with bad breath. Lettuce has similar compounds and can help fight against bad breath as well.

Ginger contains 6-gingerol, which can play a vital role in breaking down odor-causing sulfur compounds in the mouth and fighting bad breath. One can chew on a piece of ginger or combine fresh ginger juice with lemon and warm water to create an easy rinse.

Consuming the recommended amount of water daily can help one stay hydrated and wash away any dead cells or food remnants in their mouth. This inhibits the build-up of bad or odor-causing bacteria and helps keep bad breath at bay.

Apart from these, one can also try chewable gummy supplements to help improve vitamin levels and support teeth and bone health.

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